Movable design partitions Shine Walls: photo 1
Movable design partitions Shine Walls: photo 2
Movable design partitions Shine Walls: photo 3
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Movable design partitions Shine Walls


The Shine wall is a movable design partition walls with a story to tell, a story of certainties in an epoch of uncertainty. From psychology and studies made by Aristotle we learn that geometric shapes are associated with security and the first art forms to fascinate man were also of a geometric nature because geometric objects correspond to shapes recognizable to the human eye. Examples of this are to be found in the pyramids or the patterns created by roads and cities built at the time of the Roman Empire. The geometric play of the movable Shine Wall evokes emotion and creates spatial dynamism.

The Shine Wall here shown is a white lacquered version but many other finishes are available. It harmonizes with the environment like a protagonist on stage acting with complete respect for  the scene and the spectator by dosing the amount of light necessary to illuminate the different situations of daily life. The dimmer is able to vary the intensity of the Led which are arranged in such a way  that their rays never shine directly into the eyes of the spectator, rather they are diffused on to three-dimensional panels to evoke curiosity and interest.

With this product Anaunia wishes to open the door to special projects and customized solutions required by architects and clients.  

Design by: Tommaso Pezzi

  • Indice di isolamento acustico fino a Rw=44 dB certificato in Laboratorio accreditato ACCREDIA Istituto Giordano
  •  Ampia scelta di finiture per personalizzare la parete manovrabile Anaunia secondo tutti i gusti e le esigenze
  • Intensità e colore della luce LED regolabili grazie al sistema LED RGB “dimmerabile”
  • Brevetti
  • Certificati
  • Made in Italy

* Other finishes / solutions possible.


  • Via del Grano, 235
    47822 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - Italy
  • Tel. +39 0541 670108

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